Dear Lily,
We can hardly believe you are already one month old. I think that was the fastest month of our lives, we are so proud of how much you've grown. We wanted to share with you the things that we think make you GREAT!!
We love your super cute smiles. You have a lot of different smiles; there is side
smile and "I just passed gas" smile, but this open mouth smile is our favorite
because we know you are really happy. In this picture you are really happy because
your Daddy is holding you and you love Daddy a lot- he gets the most smiles.

You make some of the best faces we've ever seen.
Here are just a few of the silly ones that make us laugh.
The one on the left we like to call "stink eye" and the one on the right
is your kissy lips face. We just have to kiss you every time we see it!
We think it's great fun dressing you up in cute outfits. This is Mommy's
favorite because it says "Mommy's Little Pumpkin".
And that's exactly what you are! |
We also think you're great because you're so strong. You are only a few weeks
old here and you can already hold your head up. You also like to kick your strong legs.
Sometimes Mommy will put her hands on your feet and you'll push yourself
all the way up your play mat! |
These pictures show how much you've grown already in the past month. You can open your eyes more, your hair is lighter (and a little more crazy!), you are much stronger, you make lots of cute noises now, you take slightly longer naps, you cry MUCH louder, and you have grown so much. Daddy likes to say you're sassy because you don't hesitate to let us know when you want something and you usually want it right NOW. Mommy likes to call it passionate. No matter what you call it we have never loved something so much in such a short time. We can't wait to see what else awaits us!
First Month Stats:
Weight- 10 lbs 7 oz
Heigh- 22 1/2 inches
90th percentile for heigh and weight
(Proof Mommy isn't crazy and you really do eat A LOT!
Good job baby girl!)