Baby Lily,
I technically won't be able to call you that for much longer, so I figure I better get it out while I can (although you will always and forever be my little baby bean!). However, even as I call you baby, it's hard to picture you as one anymore because you've grown so much and act like such a big girl. I try to cherish the fact that you still rely on my to feed you and bathe you and change your diaper because I know it will only last a moment more and then you will want to do it on your own. I must admit that those times of independence are quite exciting, though. I was feeding you breakfast one morning and you went for the spoon with your hand. I put that bite in your mouth, then let you have the spoon to see what you would do with it and lo and behold you put that sucker right into your mouth! So I put a very small amount on the tip of the spoon and let you take it again and you (just barely) got it all in your mouth! You don't do it all the time, but every once in a while you will reach out and want to do it yourself. Who knew such a little thing could make someone so proud?
There are so many awesome and amazing things you can do now, and I can't wait to share them!
4th of July
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Your first 4th of July was a blast. We went to our friend's house from church- the Winter's- to play outside and have a BBQ. |
They had a lot of fun pool toys set out (which was good because it was probably around 100 degrees, if not more!) and you enjoyed playing with your friends, Lily W, Drew and Isaiah. |
You were also quite fond of the birds on the pool, as evidenced by this picture where you are giving one a kiss. |
Another wonderful picture with your even more wonderful Daddy. |
North Carolina!
Another big moment to add to the books this month- a full week long vacation that included airplanes, long car rides, hotel stays and oceans! I will let the few pictures that we took tell the story. (Sorry there aren't more, "vacation" with a baby can get a little hectic!)
We landed in Myrtle Beach and stayed there for a night. Your favorite part of the room was the mirror on the closet door, or more precisely, the image reflected in the mirror on the closet door.
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You not only gave yourself kisses in the mirror, you lathered the whole thing with your drool. |
This is your first AND Daddy's first time in the Atlantic Ocean! |
It was VERY windy but that did not stop you from enjoying yourself thoroughly. Even after that wave drenched your outfit and we had to take it off! |
You especially enjoyed rubbing sand all over your legs. You are a beach babe for sure! |
Sitting at the table like a big girl with no high chair! |
At Wrightsville Beach with Mom. You were particularly interested in collecting seashells this trip and were probably the most content I have ever seen you. |
Showing off your seashells. |
At Uncle Ron's shop on his last day. I regret to say we didn't get a picture with Uncle Ron or Aunt Diana but they surely enjoyed your visit. |
Playing in your cousin, Ronnie's, ball pit. |
You have gotten so good at dancing. Anytime you hear any sort of beat you start bopping your head and butt simultaneously. I'm pretty sure it's the cutest thing EVER. Right now you are particularly fond of Michael Jackson's Billie Jean and in this video you were digging Fidelity by Regina Spektor. You also added in extra arm moves this time, probably for the camera.
11 Months!!
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Kisses from Grampy |
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Fun with Grammy. |
Other notable things this month:
You love playing peek-a-boo and have for a few months now. You will pull a blanket over your head and I will say "Lily! Lily, where are you?!" and you will pull the blanket down quickly and laugh as I say "Peeeeeeeek-a-boo!"
One of the highlights of waking up in the morning, or from your naps, is seeing Sophie. As soon as I pick you up you look for her and if she isn't there right away you call her by clucking. Anytime you want Sophie you just do your clucking noise. I don't think Sophie knows what that means, yet as she hardly ever responds accordingly, but I'm sure she'll get the hang of it.
You started a swimming class last month and are doing so well. You are learning to kick, pull and go under. You got your first ribbon the other week for putting your head under the water! Despite my initial hesitation and anxiety, you did marvelous and are only continuing to improve. As long as I say, "ready, go" before you go under, you do a very good job. The only thing you need to work on is closing your mouth before you go under. You are starting to understand what to do when I say "Kick" but have yet to figure out the "Pull" part.
It's hard to believe my next post will be commemorating your first year of life. Each month you grow so much and I am looking forward to see what new feats you come across before our next post.
I love your forever,