I didn't see her actually doing this until she was done,
but one minute I was doing dishes and the next I had
looked over and saw her carefully place the last balloon on
the bottom step, then gently sit down in the small opening
she had clearly left for herself. I almost feel silly to write it,
but I have to admit it was a proud Mommy moment.
Not only did she have to place them there so they would stay,
she put them in a row and even left a spot for herself.
That's my girl!
She has recently rediscovered her love for bananas, but she will
only eat one if she can carry it around. Don't even try
to put her in a high chair with a banana. I can't say I mind
as a banana is at least a healthy snack, the only problem is she
loves to sit on the couch (suede does not agree with bananas)
and lay on our large, hairy and always shedding Sophie
while she eats it. This results in a lot of consumed dog
hair, but she finds so much joy in it, and I don't think
Sophie minds either. (And yes, that is a tattoo on her belly.
I put it on in one of those "I will do anything to get you to
stop whining right now" moments.)
Winter is long and cold. I didn't realize how much
we participated in outside activities during the summer
until it became so cold, wet and rainy.
In a moment of panicked boredom I
found a website that has fun craft ideas for kids
Lily's age. The first one we decided to try was paint
because it was easiest and most accessible. She obviously
loved it because it's colorful and messy (her two favorite things).
She wanted to do more, but I wanted to save some of the other
colors for later and that kind of paint was not cheap.
Luckily I found a recipie for "edible" finger paint that
we are going to try next.
We have yet to try that, however, as soon after she got the flu and an
ear infection, but be looking out for more crafty pictures!

Lily has been trying on our shoes for quite a while now, but it wasn't until the other day she actually got both of her feet in and was able to walk around. She expirimented first in my shoes, then in Daddy's when he got home. I picked the top two pictures because her faces are so funny. The one on the left she is saying "night night" (her binkie and blankie and called night night's) and in the left one she is saying "cheese". She is silly. The one on the bottom in Daddy's shoes is her normal "cheese" face, though.
And last, but certainly not least, are the dance parties.
We like to clear the living room, turn up the music
and just let loose. We taught her how to "raise the roof"
which is depicted in this picture here. :)