Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Things that happened in December besides Christmas

While we all know most of December is filled with gift shopping, Christmas parties and baking, I was able to capture a few other moments on film as well. 

Even though Brynt's birthday is two days after Christmas we were still able to get a few people out of their post-Christmas exhaustion to come celebrate. We had a delicious dinner at the Pizza House, Harry Potter cookie cake from Mrs. Fields and homemade butter beer. Oh, and also awesome Gryffindor scarf. Anyone notice a theme?

Lily got to truly experience her very first snow. I'm not sure how kids usually feel about it, but she loves the stuff. Kicking it, rolling in it, and mostly eating it. I must admit, there aren't too many things that can take me back to my childhood like eating a big ball of snow does. I knew the snow would be too deep for her to walk in and we didn't have any sleds handy, but I was determined to find a substitute and managed to come up with this inflatable pool we had hidden away from this summer and alas, a sled is born! Well, it was good enough for Lily at least. She pretty much refused to get out until we offered to pull her around in her wagon instead. 

Silly Lily Moments
Here are just some other odds and ends moments.

I was making a tray for New Years Eve with olives and of course Lily had to try one. I was surprised when she ate it and actually asked for another. So I obviously had to teach her what every awesome kid does with whole olives; put them on her fingers. She then proceeded to put all four in her mouth at the same time, then spit them all over the carpet after being chewed to bits. 


She wasn't a fan of me trying to eat my breakfast all by my lonesome, 
so she likes to sit by me and help me eat it now. 

Just a snippet of what our nap times have been like.
I won't even get into that.
I was so excited when she finally started eating her yogurt on her own.
It's amazing how much more I can get done when she feeds herself. 
She has recently, however, taken to using her hands to eat her yogurt. 
The spoon being a simple accessory in her hand. Needless to say,
that's been interesting. I will have to post a video of that next time. 

This is just too cute not to share. She loves her Pop Pop.

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