Here are the highlights and other random bits from July:
My sister, Emily and her husband Kyle got a puppy! Not just any puppy either, this little squirt is a Great Dane and her name is Myla. I have always wanted a Great Dane and a puppy so being able to experience the wonders of the two without being responsible for the actual being is a refreshing new experience. It has also been nice to bond with my sister over the joys and turmoil that is parenthood, it's comical to think that the same emotions a newborn brings can also be brought on by a puppy.
At any rate, this is the precious little girl. Lily is interested but a little leary as Myla is just a puppy and does puppyish things like jumping and nipping, except she is huge for her age. She has learned to tell Myla, "No, no, no" when she does these things, though, and they do enjoy one another.
Sophie has the honor of being Myla's favorite. As soon as they met Myla couldn't take her eyes off Sophie and follows her almost everywhere. These two will definitely be good buds once Myla gets through her puppy phase of chasing and biting. The picture below shows their potential for friendship blossoming.
4th of July
This is me ruining what could potentially be a really amazing picture with my silly faces. Bless my child who has not picked up on that habit yet...
One of my favorite things about Lily: her kisses. She gave me such a good one here as evidenced by her scrunched up face and balled up fists. She will sometimes even hold on to the sides of my face to give me a real good one and has even picked up the habit of giving me a kiss on each cheek. Must be all those french films she's been watching. (Side note: we don't really let her watch french films, I have no idea where she learned that).
We spent the day of the 4th at my parents house hanging with my wonderful family.
Then kicked it over at the Winter's where the children were given ice cream sandwiches. The perfect summer-time distraction.
Lily's bud, Isaiah.
We also spent the rainy weekend of the 4th at Aunt Shel's and Grammy Sharon's where Xander got some bonding time with Lily. After a long day of swimming and running around she conked out next to her new favorite guy. This moment made my heart swell as I remember doing the same thing with this little man when he was her age and it makes me so happy that he gets to experience that with my little bean.

Brynt spent a few days in North Carolina with his Mom helping her look for a house and I got to revel in the glory that are my friends and family. I spent each evening with someone different and didn't even get to see everyone I had planned on. I was overwhelmed with the support from everyone and even though we missed Brynt terribly, we were very well taken care of. It can sometimes feel pretty hectic and overwhelming trying to keep up and visit with our loved ones, but it's times like these where I have to sit back and feel nothing but grateful to be surrounded by such loving and wonderful people. Thank you to Holly, Peter Aaron, Mom, Dad, Kelsey, Jordan, Emily, Kyle and the rest of you who offered to take me in and feed me during my husband's absence. You will never know how loved it made me feel.
This is Lily enjoying her first corn on the cob. When I say enjoy, I mean enjoy! She devoured the whole thing with ease, picking off the stragglers leaving her cob bare.
While Brynt was away Lily enjoyed her first sleep-over at Pop Pop and Boppy's. She slept through the night on her new cot, but woke a few hours earlier than usual which resulted in her falling asleep during a mower ride at about 10 a.m.
One of the fabulous dinners hosted by my amazing sister.
Summer Nights
It finally started to feel like summer about mid-July. We enjoyed the 90 degree weather as much as anyone can and spent evenings eating popsicles and escaping mosquitoes.
This is my summertime baby, stripped down, eating a popsicle with her banged up knees from falling at the pool. This is the essence of a childhood summer.
This photo was taken after a long day of visiting the Ann Arbor Art Fair, doing dinner with Uncle Shawn and Sandra, then playing by the river at a nearby park. She was up about an hour past her bedtime and we didn't even realize as we were having such a great time enjoying the beautiful weather watching the puppies play in the water. You know it's been a fun summer day when you end up looking like this:
Summer Days
Right after the 90 degree weather it cooled down to high's of low 70's. I was nothing but grateful as this enables us to actually enjoy the outdoors. We spent one perfect, cool and sunny afternoon at the park with Auntie Em and Myla having a picnic and enjoying the shade under a big tree by the river. These are the moments that make a perfect summer.
We're easing into this, so wish us luck!
My Aunt Lori, Uncle Bernard and Uncle Wayne came to visit the last weekend in July. They are all such awesome people so we had a good time with them. I didn't get many pictures but here's Lily helping Boppee and Aunt Lori clean some corn for dinner.
And here she is looking slightly dumb-founded. About what, I'm not sure but it was too funny not to share.
We ended July on a sad note with Brynt's Mom and brother (Memaw and Uncle Chad) moving away. Cindy is moving to North Carolina and Chad will be in Kentucky. While this gives us many great vacation spots we will all miss them terribly and are sad to see them go. We pray that God grants them safe travels and an easy transition into their new lives. This is the first time Brynt's family has lived so far from one another and will take some time to adjust to for all of us. We love you, Memaw and Uncle Chad and we'll be seeing you soon!