Saturday, January 12, 2013

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

What a whirl wind Christmas we had this year! I think the part I loved most was the focus we put on quality time instead of gifts. While it's always a joy watching someone opening presents you picked out especially for them, we really tried to focus on creating special Christmas moments with the people we love instead of material things. While it may not seem like it, this is a very brief recap of our Christmas (please note I skimmed through hundreds of pictures, so yes, this is brief!)  

I would definitely not declare this years trip to see Santa a success! Santa was great, of course. He could sense Lily had been properly taught "stranger danger" and so very nicely (and a bit creepily) offered Brynt sit on his lap while holding Lily so she would be more comfortable. As seen in the second picture, this was not enough for her and she was thoroughly frightened when Brynt went to sit her on Santa's lap. Maybe next year, Santa. She recovered once she saw the horses outside (or as Lily calls them, "neigh"). I won't lie, it made me feel better too. 

 Zoo Lights

We were able to pick up the time honored tradition of going to the zoo lights at the Toledo Zoo with our boys, Seb and Xan and our new addition, Lily. Even though there was an 80% chance of rain and it was freezing cold, we all managed to have an excellent time. Lily loved seeing all of the lights and the creatures created from them. It's a tradition I can't wait to continue next year. 


We have also continued the Christmas tradition of making cookies at Brynt's Mom's and my parent's as well. Unfortunately I forgot my camera when decorating at my parent's but here's the gist of Lily helping. She especially liked "rolling" the peanut butter cookies and making the marks in them with the fork. The cutest was when she wanted to help put sprinkles on all of the cookies. 

We are so grateful to have been able to attend so many family celebrations this year. It allowed us to visit with a lot of family and friends I feel we don't see often enough. Unfortunately, my camera was not on hand for every event but I was able to capture a few precious moment in the chaos that is Christmas. 
With her new bff and cousin, Peter Aaron. (Yes, this is the handsome
little man I worked so diligently to bring into this world).
It was a quiet Christmas at my parent's this year with my Grandpa and Uncle not being there and Emily and Kyle not arriving until later, but we found it to be relaxing and a nice way to catch up with one another during this very busy season. I am so thankful for my wonderful family for always being constant and reliable and all around amazing. These are the people I depend on for everything and without them I truly feel I would be nothing. There is no greater feeling than sharing a warm time like Christmas with people like this.

We spent Christmas day at Brynt's Mom's along with his brother's and Grandma Jackie. We were so glad she was able to join us this year as she somehow seems to make us all so happy. It was a nice relaxing day spent in our PJ's opening presents and watching movies. We couldn't have asked for a better way to spend our Christmas. 

Our Christmas
Our Christmas was a small one this year. As I had mentioned before, we focused on quality time instead of gifts. I made Lily a chalkboard/magnet board I found on Pinterest that she is still enjoying quite a bit. Brynt and I decided to just revel in the fact that we have so many wonderful people and things in our life; we couldn't have asked for more than that. It was simple and perfect. A Simply Perfect Christmas. 

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

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