Friday, May 31, 2013

Mother's Day

First off, yes I realize it's the end of May and I have yet to write about Mother's Day. Blogs get difficult for me once the weather gets nice (and by nice I mean just not below 50 degrees) so you'll just have to bear with me.

It was very cold and windy this year so our original plans to visit the zoo were quickly thwarted. We decided to visit the Imagination Station in Toledo since we were planning on heading that way anyway and had not been since they re-opened. I'm really glad we did because mom's got in for free so it was super cheap and the place was deserted so we had free reign. I wasn't sure Lily would get a lot out of it because most of the exhibits are for older kids but she had a blast. There was a whole section dedicated to toddlers that she loved and a lot to do with playing in water, which she also loved.

Grocery shopping. I have to note here that the first
thing she went for was the bread and she put
every single piece in her cart. That's my girl!

Practicing nursing with Daddy at the mini hospital.
We might have a future pediatrician on our hands!

Or maybe a firefighter??

It was so nice to spend the day with my daughter, Mom and husband. These people mean so much to me and I would not be celebrating Mother's Day at all if it weren't for the three of them and for that I am forever grateful.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day! We really want to visit the Imagination Station too. We should try to get a group together sometime.
